/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/sio.h" #include "bu/file.h" #include "bu/myriad.h" #include "bu/myriadstream.h" #include "bu/optparser.h" #include using namespace Bu; enum Mode { modeCreate, modeInfo, modeStreamNew, modeStreamErase, modeStreamDump, modeStreamPut, modeStreamGet, modeBlockMap, modeNone }; class Options : public OptParser { public: Options( int argc, char *argv[] ) : eMode( modeNone ), iBlockSize( 64 ), iPreallocate( 0 ), iStream( 0 ) { addHelpBanner("Mode of operation:"); addOption( eMode, 'c', "create", "Create a new Myriad file." ); addOption( eMode, 'i', "info", "Display some info about a Myriad file." ); addOption( eMode, 'n', "new", "Create a new sub-stream in a Myriad file."); addOption( eMode, 'e', "erase", "Erase sub-stream in a Myriad file."); addOption( eMode, 'd', "dump", "Display a hexdump of a stream from a Myriad file."); addOption( eMode, "get", "Get a file out of a Myriad stream (use --dst)."); addOption( eMode, "put", "Put a file into a Myriad stream (usr --src)."); addOption( eMode, 'm', "block-map", "Visualize block usage."); addHelpOption(); addHelpBanner("\nGeneral options:"); addOption( iBlockSize, 'b', "block-size", "Set the block size." ); addOption( iPreallocate, 'p', "preallocate", "Number of blocks to preallocate." ); addOption( sFile, 'f', "file", "Set the Myriad filename." ); addOption( iStream, 's', "stream", "Substream to work with."); addOption( sSrc, "src", "Source file for copying into a Myriad file."); addOption( sDst, "dst", "Destination file for copying out of a Myriad file."); setOverride( "create", modeCreate ); setOverride( "info", modeInfo ); setOverride( "new", modeStreamNew ); setOverride( "erase", modeStreamErase ); setOverride( "dump", modeStreamDump ); setOverride( "put", modeStreamPut ); setOverride( "get", modeStreamGet ); setOverride( "block-map", modeBlockMap ); parse( argc, argv ); } Mode eMode; int iBlockSize; int iPreallocate; int iStream; Bu::String sFile; Bu::String sSrc; Bu::String sDst; }; Bu::Formatter &operator>>( Bu::Formatter &f, Mode & /*e*/ ) { sio << "Uh oh, the formatter was called..." << sio.nl; return f; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { Options opts( argc, argv ); switch( opts.eMode ) { case modeCreate: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file to create." << sio.nl; return 0; } else { File fOut( opts.sFile, File::WriteNew|File::Read ); Myriad m( fOut, opts.iBlockSize, opts.iPreallocate ); } break; case modeInfo: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file to display info about." << sio.nl; return 0; } else { File fIn( opts.sFile, File::Read ); Myriad m( fIn ); sio << "Myriad info:" << sio.nl << " Block size: " << m.getBlockSize() << sio.nl << " Block count: " << m.getTotalBlocks() << sio.nl << " Blocks used: " << m.getUsedBlocks() << " (" << m.getUsedBlocks()*100/m.getTotalBlocks() << "%)" << sio.nl << " Stream count: " << m.getTotalStreams() << sio.nl << " Used space: " << m.getTotalUsedBytes() << sio.nl << " Unused space: " << m.getTotalUnusedBytes() << sio.nl << " % of files: " << (double)(m.getTotalBlocks()*m.getBlockSize())/(double)(m.getTotalUsedBytes() + m.getTotalUnusedBytes( 4096 ))*100.0 << sio.nl; /* Bu::Array aStreams = m.getStreamIds(); sio << " Stream info:" << sio.nl; for( Bu::Array::iterator i = aStreams.begin(); i; i++ ) { sio << " " << Fmt(4) << *i << ") " << m.getStreamSize( *i ) << "b" << sio.nl; } */ } break; case modeStreamNew: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } else { File fOut( opts.sFile, File::Write|File::Read ); Myriad m( fOut ); m.create( Bu::Myriad::WriteNew, opts.iPreallocate ); } break; case modeStreamErase: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } else { File fOut( opts.sFile, File::Write|File::Read ); Myriad m( fOut ); m.erase( opts.iStream ); } break; case modeStreamDump: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file to manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } else { File fOut( opts.sFile, File::Read ); Myriad m( fOut ); MyriadStream s = m.open( opts.iStream, Bu::Myriad::Read ); sio << "Stream " << opts.iStream << ":" << sio.nl; char buf[8]; int iPos = 0; while( !s.isEos() ) { size_t sAmnt = s.read( buf, 8 ); sio << Fmt(5) << iPos << ": "; iPos += sAmnt; for( size_t j = 0; j < sAmnt; j++ ) { sio << Fmt::hex(2) << (int)((unsigned char)buf[j]) << " "; } for( size_t j = sAmnt; j < 8; j++ ) { sio << "-- "; } sio << "| "; for( size_t j = 0; j < sAmnt; j++ ) { if( buf[j] >= 32 && buf[j] <= 126 ) sio << buf[j] << " "; else sio << " "; } sio << sio.nl; } sio << "Position: " << s.tell() << ", isEos()=" << s.isEos() << sio.nl; } break; case modeStreamPut: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } else if( !opts.sSrc.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a source file to read." << sio.nl; } else { File fOut( opts.sFile, File::Write|File::Read ); Myriad m( fOut ); MyriadStream sOut = m.create( Bu::Myriad::WriteNew, opts.iPreallocate ); File fIn( opts.sSrc, File::Read ); char buf[1024]; while( !fIn.isEos() ) { sOut.write( buf, fIn.read( buf, 1024 ) ); } } break; case modeStreamGet: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } else if( !opts.sDst.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a destination file to write." << sio.nl; } else { File fIn( opts.sFile, File::Write|File::Read ); Myriad m( fIn ); MyriadStream sIn = m.open( opts.iStream, Bu::Myriad::Read ); File fOut( opts.sDst, File::Write|File::Create|File::Truncate ); char buf[1024]; while( !sIn.isEos() ) { fOut.write( buf, sIn.read( buf, 1024 ) ); } } break; case modeBlockMap: if( !opts.sFile.isSet() ) { sio << "Please specify a file manipulate." << sio.nl; return 0; } { File fIn( opts.sFile, File::Write|File::Read ); Myriad m( fIn ); /* Bu::BitString bs = m.getBlocksUsed(); for( int j = 0; j < bs.getSize(); j++ ) { if( j>0 && (j%50) == 0 ) Bu::println(""); if( bs.getBit( j ) ) Bu::print("#"); else Bu::print("-"); }*/ Bu::println("\n"); } break; case modeNone: sio << "Please select a mode, for more info, try --help." << sio.nl << sio.nl; break; } return 0; }