/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/fstring.h" #include "bu/unitsuite.h" class Unit : public Bu::UnitSuite { public: Unit() { setName("FString"); addTest( Unit::compare1 ); addTest( Unit::compare2 ); addTest( Unit::appendSingle ); addTest( Unit::shared1 ); addTest( Unit::insert ); addTest( Unit::remove ); } virtual ~Unit() { } void compare1() { Bu::FString b("Bob"); unitTest( !(b == "Bobo") ); unitTest( b == "Bob" ); } void compare2() { Bu::FString b("Bobo"); unitTest( !(b == "Bob") ); unitTest( b == "Bobo" ); } void appendSingle() { Bu::FString b; for( char l = 'a'; l < 'g'; l++ ) b += l; unitTest( b == "abcdef" ); unitTest( strcmp( b.getStr(), "abcdef" ) == 0 ); } void shared1() { Bu::FString a("Hey there"); Bu::FString b( a ); unitTest( a.getStr() == b.getStr() ); b += " guy"; unitTest( a.getStr() != b.getStr() ); a = b; unitTest( a.getStr() == b.getStr() ); } void insert() { Bu::FString a("abcd"); a.insert( 2, "-!-", 3 ); unitTest( a == "ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( 0, "!!", 2 ); unitTest( a == "!!ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( -10, "789", 3 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( 12, "89", 2 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd89" ); a.insert( 1203, "12", 2 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd8912" ); } void remove() { Bu::FString a("abHEYcd"); a.remove( 2, 3 ); unitTest( a == "abcd" ); a.remove( 2, 5 ); unitTest( a == "ab" ); a += "cdefghijklmnop"; a.remove( 5, 1 ); unitTest( a = "abcdeghijklmnop" ); } }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { return Unit().run( argc, argv ); }