/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/fstring.h" #include "bu/hash.h" #include "bu/unitsuite.h" #include class Unit : public Bu::UnitSuite { private: typedef Bu::Hash StrIntHash; typedef Bu::Hash StrStrHash; typedef Bu::Hash IntStrHash; public: Unit() { setName("Hash"); addTest( Unit::insert1 ); addTest( Unit::insert2 ); addTest( Unit::insert3 ); addTest( Unit::probe1 ); addTest( Unit::erase1 ); } virtual ~Unit() { } void probe1() { StrIntHash h; char buf[20]; for(int i=1;i<10000;i++) { sprintf(buf,"%d",i); Bu::FString sTmp(buf); h[sTmp] = i; unitTest( h.has(sTmp) ); } } void insert1() { StrIntHash h; h["Hi"] = 42; unitTest( h["Hi"] == 42 ); } void insert2() { StrStrHash h; h["Hi"] = "Yo"; h["Bye"] = "Later"; unitTest( h["Hi"].getValue() == "Yo" ); StrStrHash h2(h); unitTest( h2["Hi"].getValue() = "Yo" ); unitTest( h2["Bye"].getValue() = "Later" ); StrStrHash h3; h3 = h; unitTest( h3["Hi"].getValue() = "Yo" ); unitTest( h3["Bye"].getValue() = "Later" ); } void insert3() { IntStrHash h; for( unsigned int i=1; i<50; i++ ) { h[i] = "testing"; unitTest( h.getSize() == i ); } } void erase1() { StrIntHash h; h.insert("Number 1", 1 ); h.insert("Number 2", 2 ); h.insert("Number 3", 3 ); h.erase("Number 2"); h.get("Number 3"); try { h.get("Number 2"); unitFailed("h.get(\"Number 2\") should have thrown an exception."); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { } printf("\n"); for( StrIntHash::iterator i = h.begin(); i != h.end(); i++ ) { printf(" - \"%s\" = %d\n", i.getKey().getStr(), i.getValue() ); } } }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { return Unit().run( argc, argv ); }