// vim: syntax=cpp /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/string.h" #include suite String { test compare1 { Bu::String b("Bob"); unitTest( !(b == "Bobo") ); unitTest( b == "Bob" ); } test compare2 { Bu::String b("Bobo"); unitTest( !(b == "Bob") ); unitTest( b == "Bobo" ); } test appendSingle { Bu::String b; for( char l = 'a'; l < 'g'; l++ ) b += l; unitTest( b == "abcdef" ); unitTest( strcmp( b.getStr(), "abcdef" ) == 0 ); } test shared1 { Bu::String a("Hey there"); Bu::String b( a ); unitTest( a.getConstStr() == b.getConstStr() ); b += " guy"; unitTest( a.getConstStr() != b.getConstStr() ); a = b; unitTest( a.getConstStr() == b.getConstStr() ); } test insert { Bu::String a("abcd"); a.insert( 2, "-!-", 3 ); unitTest( a == "ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( 0, "!!", 2 ); unitTest( a == "!!ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( -10, "789", 3 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd" ); a.insert( 12, "89", 2 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd89" ); a.insert( 1203, "12", 2 ); unitTest( a == "789!!ab-!-cd8912" ); } test remove { Bu::String a("abHEYcd"); a.remove( 2, 3 ); unitTest( a == "abcd" ); a.remove( 2, 5 ); unitTest( a == "ab" ); a += "cdefghijklmnop"; a.remove( 5, 1 ); unitTest( a == "abcdeghijklmnop" ); } test add1 { Bu::String a("hi there"); Bu::String b(", yeah!"); Bu::String c = a + b; unitTest( c == "hi there, yeah!" ); } test add2 { Bu::String a("hi there"); Bu::String c = a + ", yeah!"; unitTest( c == "hi there, yeah!" ); } test add3 { Bu::String a("hi there"); Bu::String b(", yeah!"); Bu::String c = a + ", Mr. Man" + b; unitTest( c == "hi there, Mr. Man, yeah!" ); } test add4 { Bu::String b(", yeah!"); Bu::String c = "hi there" + b; unitTest( c == "hi there, yeah!" ); } test add5 { Bu::String b; Bu::String c = "sup?"; b += "hey, " + c; unitTest( b == "hey, sup?" ); } test add6 { Bu::String a("Hello"); char b[256] = {"Dude"}; Bu::String c = a + "/" + b; unitTest( c == "Hello/Dude" ); } test add7 { const Bu::String a("hello "); Bu::String b(" how "); unitTest( a == "hello " ); unitTest( a + "dude" == "hello dude" ); unitTest( a + "dude" + b + "are you?" == "hello dude how are you?" ); } test subStr1 { Bu::String a("abcdefghijklmnop"); Bu::String::iterator i = a.find('f'); unitTest( a.getSubStr( i, Bu::String::iterator() ) == "fghijklmnop" ); Bu::String::iterator j = i.find('l'); unitTest( a.getSubStr( i, j ) == "fghijk" ); } test compareSub1 { Bu::String a("just a string."); unitTest( a.compareSub("a ", 5, 2) == true ); unitTest( a.compareSub("string.aoeu", 7, 11 ) == false ); unitTest( a.compareSub("string.aoeu", 7, 3 ) == true ); } test compareSub2 { Bu::String a("just a string."); unitTest( a.compareSub(Bu::String("a "), 5, 2) == true ); unitTest( a.compareSub(Bu::String("string.aoeu"), 7, 11 ) == false ); unitTest( a.compareSub(Bu::String("string.aoeu"), 7, 3 ) == true ); } test iterator1 { Bu::String a("This is a test."); Bu::String b; for( Bu::String::iterator i = a.begin(); i; i++ ) { b += *i; } unitTest( a == b ); } test iterator2 { Bu::String a("This is a test."); Bu::String b("--This is a test."); Bu::String::iterator ai = a.begin(); Bu::String::iterator bi = b.begin(); unitTest( ai.compare( bi ) == false ); unitTest( bi.compare( ai ) == false ); bi++; bi++; unitTest( ai.compare( bi ) == true ); unitTest( bi.compare( ai ) == true ); } test iterator3 { Bu::String a("1234honour"); Bu::String b("--1234ueje"); Bu::String::iterator ai = a.begin(); Bu::String::iterator bi = b.begin(); unitTest( ai.compare( bi, 4 ) == false ); unitTest( bi.compare( ai, 4 ) == false ); bi++; bi++; unitTest( ai.compare( bi, 4 ) == true ); unitTest( bi.compare( ai, 4 ) == true ); unitTest( ai.compare( bi, 5 ) == false ); unitTest( bi.compare( ai, 5 ) == false ); } test iterator4 { Bu::String a("1234aoeu"); Bu::String::iterator ai = a.begin(); unitTest( ai.compare("1234") == false ); unitTest( ai.compare("1234aoeu") == true ); unitTest( ai.compare("1234aoeuee") == false ); } test iterator5 { Bu::String a("1234aoeu"); Bu::String::iterator ai = a.begin(); unitTest( ai.compare("1234", 4) == true ); unitTest( ai.compare("1234aoeu", 8) == true ); unitTest( ai.compare("1234aoeuee", 10) == false ); } test iterator6 { Bu::String a("just ->this part"); Bu::String b; Bu::String::iterator s = a.begin(); for(; s; s++ ) { if( *s == '>' ) { s++; b.set( s ); break; } } unitTest( b == "this part" ); b.append( s ); Bu::String c; c.set( b.begin() ); // This is here because the comparison operator used to cause flattening. unitTest( b == "this partthis part" ); unitTest( c == b ); } test iterator7 { Bu::String a("just [this] part"); Bu::String b; Bu::String::iterator s = a.begin(); for(; s; s++ ) { if( *s == '[' ) { s++; break; } } Bu::String::iterator e = s; for(; e; e++ ) { if( *e == ']' ) { b.set( s, e ); break; } } unitTest( b == "this" ); b.append( s, e ); for( Bu::String::iterator i = b.begin(); i;) { Bu::String::iterator k = i; k++; if( !k ) { b.append( b.begin(), i ); break; } i = k; } Bu::String l; l.set( b.begin() ); unitTest( l == "thisthisthisthi" ); for( Bu::String::iterator i = b.begin(); i;) { Bu::String::iterator k = i; k++; if( !k ) { b.append( b.begin(), i ); break; } i = k; } l.set( b.begin() ); unitTest( l == "thisthisthisthithisthisthisth" ); } test isSet1 { Bu::String bob; unitTest( bob.isSet() == false ); bob = "something"; unitTest( bob.isSet() == true ); bob = ""; unitTest( bob.isSet() == false ); } test swap1 { Bu::String a, b; a = "Goodbye"; b = "Hello"; Bu::swap( a, b ); unitTest( a == "Hello" ); unitTest( b == "Goodbye" ); } test swap2 { Bu::String a, b; a = "Goodbye"; b = "Hello"; std::swap( a, b ); unitTest( a == "Hello" ); unitTest( b == "Goodbye" ); } test replace1 { Bu::String a; a = "This is a test."; unitTest( a.replace("i", "ooo") == "Thooos ooos a test." ); } test coreDerefBug1 { Bu::String a, b; a = "bob"; a.setSize( 0 ); b = a; b.getStr(); } test padding1 { Bu::String a; a.append('a'); a.append('b'); a.append('c'); a.append("hello"); a.clear(); } test padding2 { Bu::String src("It's all sorts of things"); Bu::String::const_iterator i = src.find('a'); Bu::String::const_iterator j = src.find('f'); Bu::String a, b; a.append( i ); i += 2; a.append( i, j ); a.append('a'); a.append('b'); a.append('c'); a.append("hello"); a.append( src ); b = a; a.clear(); } }