/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/unitsuite.h" #include "bu/file.h" #include Bu::UnitSuite::UnitSuite() : iOptions( 0 ) { } Bu::UnitSuite::UnitSuite( int iOptions ) : iOptions( iOptions ) { } Bu::UnitSuite::~UnitSuite() { } // Argument handling is coming soon, I promise. int Bu::UnitSuite::run( int /*argc*/, char * /*argv */ [] ) { int iEPass = 0; int iEFail = 0; int iUPass = 0; int iUFail = 0; for( TestList::iterator i = lTests.begin(); i != lTests.end(); i++ ) { printf("%s: ", i->sName.getStr() ); fflush( stdout ); try { (this->*(i->fTest))(); switch( i->eExpect ) { case expectPass: printf("expected pass.\n"); iEPass++; break; case expectFail: printf("unexpected pass.\n"); iUPass++; break; } } catch( Failed &e ) { switch( i->eExpect ) { case expectPass: printf("unexpected "); iUFail++; break; case expectFail: printf("expected "); iEFail++; break; } if( e.bFile ) { printf("fail in unitTest(%s). (%s:%d)\n", e.str.getStr(), e.sFile.getStr(), e.nLine ); } else { printf("fail in unitTest(%s).\n", e.str.getStr() ); } if( (iOptions & optStopOnError) ) return 0; } catch( std::exception &e ) { switch( i->eExpect ) { case expectPass: printf("unexpected "); iUFail++; break; case expectFail: printf("expected "); iEFail++; break; } printf("fail with unknown exception. what: %s\n", e.what() ); if( (iOptions & optStopOnError) ) return 0; } catch( ... ) { switch( i->eExpect ) { case expectPass: printf("unexpected "); iUFail++; break; case expectFail: printf("expected "); iEFail++; break; } printf("fail with external exception.\n"); if( (iOptions & optStopOnError) ) return 0; } } printf("\nReport:\n" "\tTotal tests run: %ld\n" "\tExpected passes: %d\n" "\tExpected failures: %d\n" "\tUnexpected passes: %d\n" "\tUnexpected failures: %d\n\n", lTests.getSize(), iEPass, iEFail, iUPass, iUFail ); if( iUPass == 0 && iUFail == 0 ) printf("\tNothing unexpected.\n\n"); for( StrList::iterator i = lFileCleanup.begin(); i; i++ ) { unlink( (*i).getStr() ); } return 0; } void Bu::UnitSuite::tempFile( Bu::FString &sFileName ) { Bu::File::tempFile( sFileName ); lFileCleanup.append( sFileName ); } void Bu::UnitSuite::add( Test fTest, const Bu::FString &sName, Expect e ) { TestInfo ti; ti.sName = sName; ti.eExpect = e; long index = ti.sName.rfindIdx("::"); if( index != -1 ) { FString tmp = sSuiteName; tmp += ti.sName.getStr()+index; ti.sName = tmp; } ti.fTest = fTest; lTests.append( ti ); } void Bu::UnitSuite::setName( const FString &sName ) { sSuiteName = sName; }