/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_BITSTRING_H #define BU_BITSTRING_H #include "bu/util.h" #include "bu/string.h" namespace Bu { /** * Manages an arbitrarily sized string of bits, and allows basic interaction * with them. This includes basic non-mathematical bitwise operations such * as setting and testing bits, shifting the string, inversion and a few * extras like randomization. On linux systems this takes advantage of long * longs giving you a maximum size of about 2tb per string. * * For more general and mathematical type interaction see BitStringInt. * */ class BitString { public: /** * Constructs a blank and basic BitString. This is actually useful * since you can resize BitStrings at will, and even retain the data * that was in them. */ BitString(); /** * Constructs a BitString object as a copy of another BitString. This * is a standard copy constructor and produces an exact duplicate of * the original BitString object. *@param xSrc Source BitString to copy data from. */ BitString( const BitString &xSrc ); /** * Constructs a BitString with length iBits and optionally fills it with * random data. The default setting, to not fill randomly, will produce * a blank (all zeros) string of the specified size. *@param iBits The length of the new BitString in bits. *@param bFillRandomly Wether or not to randomize this BitString. */ BitString( long iBits, bool bFillRandomly=false ); /** * Virtual deconstructor for the BitString. Takes care of cleanup for * you. What more do you really want to know? */ virtual ~BitString(); // basic interaction /** * Sets a bit in the BitString. In it's normal mode it will always turn * the given bit on, to clear a bit set bBitState to false instead of * true. This operation runs in O(1). *@param iBit The zero-based index of the bit to modify. *@param bBitState Set to true to set the bit to 1, set to false to set * the bit to 0. */ void setBit( long iBit, bool bBitState=true ); /** * Reverses the state of the given bit. This will set the given bit * to a 1 if it was 0, and to 0 if it was 1. This operation runs in * O(1), and it should be noted that using this is marginally faster * than doing the test and flip yourself with getBit and setBit since * it uses a bitwise not operation and doesn't actually test the bit * itself. *@param iBit The index of the bit to flip. */ void flipBit( long iBit ); /** * Gets the state of the given bit. This follows the standard * convention used so far, a returned value of true means the bit in * question is 1, and a value of flase means the bit is 0. All bits * out of range of the BitString are treated as off, but are * "accessable" in that this does not produce any kind of error * message. This is intentional. This operation runs in O(1). *@param iBit The index of the bit to test. *@returns True for a 1, false for a 0. */ bool getBit( long iBit ) const; /** * Inverts the entire BitString, in effect this calls flipBit on every * bit in the string but is faster since it can operate on whole bytes * at a time instead of individual bits. This operation runs in O(N). */ void invert(); /** * Returns the number of bits allocated in this BitString. This * operation runs in O(1) time since this value is cached and not * computed. *@returns The number of bits allocated in this BitString. */ DEPRECATED long getBitLength(); long getSize() const; /** * Sets the entire BitString to zeros, but it does it very quickly. * This operation runs in O(N). */ void clear(); /** * Sets the entire BitString to ones, but it does it very quickly. * This operation runs in O(N). */ void fill(); /** * Gets another BitString that is autonomous of the current one * (contains a copy of the memory, not a pointer) and contains a subset * of the data in the current BitString. This is an inclusive * operation, so grabbing bits 0-5 will give you 6 bits. This is based * on a very tricky bit-shifting algorithm and runs very quickly, in * O(N) time. Passing in a value of zero for iUpper, or any value for * iUpper that is less than iLower will set iUpper equal to the number * of bits in the BitString. *@param iLower The first bit in the current string, will be the first * bit (0 index) in the new sub string. *@param iUpper The last bit in the current string, will be the last * bit in the new sub string. iUpper is included in the sub string. *@returns A new BitString object ready to be used. Please note that * managing this new object is up to whomever calls this function. */ class BitString getSubString( long iLower, long iUpper ); /** * Sets the number of bits in the BitString, allocating more memory if * necesarry, or freeing extra if able. The default operation of this * function clears all data in the BitString while resizing it. If you * would like to keep as much of the data that you had in your BitString * as possible, then set bClear to false, and any data that will fit * into the new BitString length will be retained. If increasing the * number of bits, the new bits will come into existance cleared (set * to 0). *@param iLength The number of bits to set the BitString to. *@param bClear When true, all data is eradicated and zeroed, when set * to false an effort is made to retain the existing data. *@returns true on success, false on failure. */ DEPRECATED bool setBitLength( long iLength, bool bClear=true ); bool setSize( long iLength, bool bClear=true ); /** * Randomize the entire BitString, one bit at a time. This is actually * the function called by the constructor when the user selects initial * randomization. This function uses the system random() function, so * srandom may be used to effect this process at will. */ void randomize(); /** * Operates exactly like <<. All data in the BitString is shifted to * the left by some number of bits, any data pushed off the edge of the * BitString is lost, and all new data coming in will be zeroed. * Using a negative value in the shiftLeft function will turn it into * the shiftRight function. *@param iAmt The number of bit positions to shift all data. */ void shiftLeft( long iAmt ); // just like << /** * Operates exactly like >>. All data in the BitString is shifted to * the right by some number of bits, any data pushed off the edge of the * BitString is lost, and all new data coming in will be zeroed. * Using a negative value in the shiftRight function will turn it into * the shiftLeft function. *@param iAmt The number of bit positions to shift all data. */ void shiftRight( long iAmt ); // just like >> /** * Searches through the BitString and returns the index of the highest * order bit position (the highest index) with an on bit (a bit set to * 1). This is a handy helper function and rather faster than calling * getBit() over and over again. *@returns The index of the highest indexed on bit. */ long getHighestOrderBitPos(); // Conversion /** * Convert a block of data (no more than 32 bits) to a primitive long * type. * This is done in a little bit interesting way, so it may not always be * the fastest way to access the data that you want, although it will * always ensure that the long that is written makes numerical sense, as * we write numbers, regaurdless of platform. *@param iStart The first bit in the BitString to include in the long *@param iSize THe number of bits to include, if this value is set over * 32 it will be automatically truncated to, or however many bits there * are in a long in your system. *@returns A long converted from your raw BitString data. */ long toLong( long iStart = 0, long iSize = 32 ); Bu::String toString(); //operators BitString &operator=( const BitString &xSrc ); BitString operator~(); BitString operator<<( const long iAmt ); BitString operator>>( const long iAmt ); private: void fixup(); void setMask(); unsigned char *caData; long iBits; long iBytes; unsigned char cTopByteMask; }; }; #endif