/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_BLOB_H #define BU_BLOB_H #include "bu/config.h" #include "bu/archivebase.h" namespace Bu { /** * Blob contans a sequence of binary values. This is basically the * replacement for the old libbu++ Bu::String, std::string classes, or the * tradition C char * string. The Blob is static and immutable, and a good * choice when dealing with any sequence of binary data that you don't * need to interpret further. * * You may note that Blob doesn't have any append, prepend, etc. methods. * This is because Blobs are designed to be more or less immutable. If you * need that functionality (which is quite likely), check out * Bu::BlobBuilder which offers a flexible, fast interface to build Blobs * dynamically, piece at a time. * * If you're dealing with data that contains language, such as human text, * then use the Bu::Text class instead. */ class Blob { public: class iterator; class const_iterator; public: Blob(); Blob( const Blob &rSrc ); Blob( const class BlobBuilder &rSrc ); Blob( const char *pSrc ); Blob( const void *pSrc, int32_t iSize ); Blob( int32_t iSize ); Blob( const const_iterator &iStart ); Blob( const const_iterator &iStart, const const_iterator &iEnd ); virtual ~Blob(); void setSize( int32_t iSize ); int32_t getSize() const; char *getData() const; char *c_str() const; char &operator[]( int32_t iIndex ); char operator[]( int32_t iIndex ) const; bool isEmpty() const; bool isNull() const; bool isNullOrEmpty() const; Blob &operator=( const Blob &rRhs ); Blob &operator=( const char *pRhs ); bool operator==( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator==( const char *rRhs ) const; bool operator!=( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator!=( const char *rRhs ) const; bool operator<( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator<( const char *rRhs ) const; bool operator<=( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator<=( const char *rRhs ) const; bool operator>( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator>( const char *rRhs ) const; bool operator>=( const Blob &rRhs ) const; bool operator>=( const char *rRhs ) const; iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; iterator end(); const_iterator end() const; iterator rbegin(); const_iterator rbegin() const; iterator rend(); const_iterator rend() const; class iterator { friend class Blob; friend class const_iterator; private: iterator( Blob *pBlob, bool bForward ); iterator( Blob *pBlob, int32_t iIndex, bool bForward ); public: iterator(); iterator( const iterator &rSrc ); bool isValid() const; operator bool() const; char &operator *(); iterator &operator++( int32_t ); iterator &operator++(); iterator &operator--( int32_t ); iterator &operator--(); iterator &operator+=( int32_t iDelta ); iterator &operator-=( int32_t iDelta ); iterator operator+( int32_t iDelta ) const; iterator operator-( int32_t iDelta ) const; bool operator==( const iterator &rRhs ); bool operator==( const const_iterator &rRhs ); bool operator!=( const iterator &rRhs ); bool operator!=( const const_iterator &rRhs ); iterator &operator=( const iterator &rRhs ); private: Blob *pBlob; int32_t iIndex; bool bForward; }; class const_iterator { friend class Blob; friend class iterator; private: const_iterator( const Blob *pBlob, bool bForward ); const_iterator( const Blob *pBlob, int32_t iIndex, bool bForward ); public: const_iterator(); const_iterator( const const_iterator &rSrc ); const_iterator( const iterator &rSrc ); bool isValid() const; operator bool() const; char operator *() const; const_iterator &operator++( int32_t ); const_iterator &operator++(); const_iterator &operator--( int32_t ); const_iterator &operator--(); const_iterator &operator+=( int32_t iDelta ); const_iterator &operator-=( int32_t iDelta ); const_iterator operator+( int32_t iDelta ) const; const_iterator operator-( int32_t iDelta ) const; bool operator==( const iterator &rRhs ); bool operator==( const const_iterator &rRhs ); bool operator!=( const iterator &rRhs ); bool operator!=( const const_iterator &rRhs ); const_iterator &operator=( const iterator &rRhs ); const_iterator &operator=( const const_iterator &rRhs ); private: const Blob *pBlob; int32_t iIndex; bool bForward; }; private: char *pData; int32_t iSize; }; ArchiveBase &operator<<( ArchiveBase &ar, const Blob &s ); ArchiveBase &operator>>( ArchiveBase &ar, Blob &s ); template uint32_t __calcHashCode( const T &k ); template bool __cmpHashKeys( const T &a, const T &b ); template<> uint32_t __calcHashCode( const Blob &k ); template<> bool __cmpHashKeys( const Blob &a, const Blob &b ); template void __tracer_format( const t &v ); template<> void __tracer_format( const Blob &v ); class Formatter; Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &rOut, const Blob &b ); } #endif