/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/config.h" #include "bu/myriadfs.h" #include "bu/myriadstream.h" #include #include #include #include "bu/sio.h" using Bu::sio; using Bu::Fmt; namespace Bu { subExceptionDef( MyriadFsException ) } #define Myriad_Fs_MAGIC_CODE ((char *)"\xa7\x18\x8b\x39") Bu::MyriadFs::MyriadFs( Bu::Stream &rStore, int iBlockSize ) : rStore( rStore ), mStore( rStore, iBlockSize ), iUser( 0 ), iGroup( 0 ) { #ifndef WIN32 iUser = getuid(); iGroup = getgid(); #endif if( mStore.exists( 1 ) ) { // Check to see if this is a MyriadFs stream. Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 1, Bu::Myriad::Read ); char sMagic[4]; if( ms.read( sMagic, 4 ) < 4 ) throw MyriadFsException("The provided stream does not appear to be " "a MyriadFs stream."); if( ::strncmp( sMagic, Myriad_Fs_MAGIC_CODE, 4 ) ) throw MyriadFsException("The provided stream does not appear to be " "a MyriadFs stream."); int8_t iVer; ms.read( &iVer, 1 ); int32_t iNumNodes; ms.read( &iNumNodes, 4 ); for( int32_t j = 0; j < iNumNodes; j++ ) { int32_t iNode; int32_t iPos; ms.read( &iNode, 4 ); ms.read( &iPos, 4 ); hNodeIndex.insert( iNode, iPos ); } } else { // Create initial header stream { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 1, Bu::Myriad::WriteNew|Bu::Myriad::Exclusive ); ms.write( Myriad_Fs_MAGIC_CODE, 4 ); int8_t iVer = 1; int32_t iTmp = 1; ms.write( &iVer, 1 ); ms.write( &iTmp, 4 ); // iNumNodes iTmp = 0; ms.write( &iTmp, 4 ); // iInode ms.write( &iTmp, 4 ); // iPosition hNodeIndex.insert( 0, 0 ); } // Create initial inode stream, with one root node. { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::WriteNew|Bu::Myriad::Exclusive ); RawStat rs; rs.iNode = 0; rs.iUser = iUser; rs.iGroup = iGroup; rs.uPerms = 0755|typeDir; rs.iLinks = 1; rs.uStreamIndex = 3; rs.iCTime = rs.iMTime = rs.iATime = time(NULL); ms.write( &rs, sizeof(RawStat) ); } // Create inode 0's storage stream. { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 3, Bu::Myriad::WriteNew|Bu::Myriad::Exclusive ); int32_t iTmp32 = 0; ms.write( &iTmp32, 4 ); // iChildCount } } } Bu::MyriadFs::~MyriadFs() { writeHeader(); } void Bu::MyriadFs::stat( const Bu::String &sPath, Bu::MyriadFs::Stat &rBuf ) { int32_t iParent; int32_t iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); Bu::MyriadStream is = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::Read ); stat( iNode, rBuf, is ); } Bu::MyriadStream Bu::MyriadFs::open( const Bu::String &sPath, int iMode, uint16_t uPerms ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; try { iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); // sio << "File found." << sio.nl; // The file was found Bu::MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iNode ); if( (iMode&Truncate) ) { ms.setSize( 0 ); } return ms; } catch( Bu::MyriadFsException &e ) { if( iParent < 0 ) throw; // This means that an intermediate path component couldn't be found if( e.getErrorCode() == 1 ) throw; // The file wasn't found, but the path leading up to it was. // first, figure out the final path element... Bu::String sName = filePart( sPath ); // sio << "End filename: " << sName << sio.nl; // sio << "Parent inode: " << iParent << sio.nl; iNode = create( iParent, sName, (uPerms&permMask)|typeRegFile, 0 ); // sio << "New iNode: " << iNode << sio.nl; return openByInode( iNode ); } } void Bu::MyriadFs::create( const Bu::String &sPath, uint16_t iPerms ) { create( sPath, iPerms, 0 ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::create( const Bu::String &sPath, uint16_t iPerms, uint16_t iDevHi, uint16_t iDevLo ) { create( sPath, iPerms, ((uint32_t)iDevHi<<16)|(uint32_t)iDevLo ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::create( const Bu::String &sPath, uint16_t iPerms, uint32_t uSpecial ) { int32_t iParent = -1; // int32_t iNode; try { /*iNode =*/ lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); // sio << "File found." << sio.nl; } catch( Bu::MyriadFsException &e ) { if( iParent < 0 ) throw; // This means that an intermediate path component couldn't be found if( e.getErrorCode() == 1 ) throw; // The file wasn't found, but the path leading up to it was. // first, figure out the final path element... Bu::String sName = filePart( sPath ); // sio << "End filename: " << sName << sio.nl; // sio << "Parent inode: " << iParent << sio.nl; /*iNode =*/ create( iParent, sName, iPerms, uSpecial ); // sio << "New iNode: " << iNode << sio.nl; } // The file was found //throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Path already exists."); } void Bu::MyriadFs::mkDir( const Bu::String &sPath, uint16_t iPerms ) { create( sPath, (iPerms&permMask)|typeDir, 0 ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::mkSymLink( const Bu::String &sTarget, const Bu::String &sPath ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; try { iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); } catch( Bu::MyriadFsException &e ) { if( iParent < 0 ) throw; // This means that an intermediate path component couldn't be found if( e.getErrorCode() == 1 ) throw; // The file wasn't found, but the path leading up to it was. // first, figure out the final path element... Bu::String sName = filePart( sPath ); // sio << "End filename: " << sName << sio.nl; // sio << "Parent inode: " << iParent << sio.nl; iNode = create( iParent, sName, 0777|typeSymLink, 0 ); // sio << "New iNode: " << iNode << sio.nl; MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iNode ); ms.write( sTarget ); return; } throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Path already exists."); } void Bu::MyriadFs::mkHardLink( const Bu::String &sTarget, const Bu::String &sPath ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; iNode = lookupInode( sTarget, iParent ); try { lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Path already exists."); } catch( Bu::MyriadFsException &e ) { if( iParent < 0 ) throw; // This means that an intermediate path component couldn't be found if( e.getErrorCode() == 1 ) throw; // The file wasn't found, but the path leading up to it was. // first, figure out the final path element... Bu::String sName = filePart( sPath ); // sio << "End filename: " << sName << sio.nl; // sio << "Parent inode: " << iParent << sio.nl; addToDir( iParent, iNode, sName ); MyriadStream is = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::ReadWrite ); RawStat rs; readInode( iNode, rs, is ); rs.iLinks++; writeInode( rs, is ); } } Bu::String Bu::MyriadFs::readSymLink( const Bu::String &sPath ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iNode ); Bu::String sRet; sRet.setSize( ms.getSize() ); ms.read( sRet.getStr(), ms.getSize() ); return sRet; } Bu::MyriadFs::Dir Bu::MyriadFs::readDir( const Bu::String &sPath ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); return readDir( iNode ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::setTimes( const Bu::String &sPath, int64_t iATime, int64_t iMTime ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); setTimes( iNode, iATime, iMTime ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::unlink( const Bu::String &sPath ) { int32_t iParent = -1; // int32_t iNode; /*iNode =*/ lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); Dir lDir = readDir( iParent ); Bu::String sName = filePart( sPath ); for( Dir::iterator i = lDir.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( sName == (*i).sName ) { RawStat rs; readInode( (*i).iNode, rs ); if( (rs.uPerms&typeMask) == typeDir ) { MyriadStream msDir = mStore.open( rs.uStreamIndex, Bu::Myriad::Read ); int32_t iCount; msDir.read( &iCount, 4 ); if( iCount > 0 ) { throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Directory not empty."); } } if( --rs.iLinks == 0 ) { destroyNode( (*i).iNode ); } else { writeInode( rs ); } lDir.erase( i ); break; } } Bu::MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iParent ); int32_t iNumChildren = lDir.getSize(); ms.write( &iNumChildren, 4 ); for( Dir::iterator i = lDir.begin(); i; i++ ) { ms.write( &(*i).iNode, 4 ); uint8_t iSize = (*i).sName.getSize(); ms.write( &iSize, 1 ); ms.write( (*i).sName.getStr(), iSize ); } ms.setSize( ms.tell() ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::setFileSize( const Bu::String &sPath, int32_t iSize ) { int32_t iParent = -1; int32_t iNode; iNode = lookupInode( sPath, iParent ); MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iNode ); ms.setSize( iSize ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::rename( const Bu::String &sFrom, const Bu::String &sTo ) { mkHardLink( sFrom, sTo ); unlink( sFrom ); } dev_t Bu::MyriadFs::devToSys( uint32_t uDev ) { return (((uDev&0xFFFF0000)>>8)&0xFF00) | ((uDev&0xFF)); } uint32_t Bu::MyriadFs::sysToDev( dev_t uDev ) { return (((uint32_t)uDev&0xFF00)<<8) | ((uint32_t)uDev&0xFF); } int32_t Bu::MyriadFs::lookupInode( const Bu::String &sPath, int32_t &iParent ) { if( sPath == "/" ) { return 0; } if( sPath[0] == '/' ) { // Absolute lookup return lookupInode( sPath.begin()+1, 0, iParent ); } else { // Relative lookup throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "Relative lookups in MyriadFs are not working yet."); } } int32_t Bu::MyriadFs::lookupInode( Bu::String::const_iterator iStart, int32_t iNode, int32_t &iParent ) { iParent = iNode; Bu::String::const_iterator iEnd = iStart.find('/'); Bu::String sTok( iStart, iEnd ); // sio << "Direcotry component: " << sTok << sio.nl; Dir lDir = readDir( iNode ); for( Dir::iterator i = lDir.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i).sName == sTok ) { // We found an item if( !iEnd ) { // It's the last one in the requested path, return it return (*i).iNode; } else { // Not the last one in our path, double check it's a dir if( ((*i).uPerms&typeMask) == typeDir ) { return lookupInode( iEnd+1, (*i).iNode, iParent ); } else { iParent = -1; throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "Element '%s' in given path is not a directory.", sTok.getStr() ); } } } } if( iEnd ) throw Bu::MyriadFsException( 1, "Path not found"); else throw Bu::MyriadFsException( 2, "Path not found"); } void Bu::MyriadFs::readInode( int32_t iNode, RawStat &rs, MyriadStream &rIs ) { rIs.setPos( hNodeIndex.get( iNode )*sizeof(RawStat) ); if( rIs.read( &rs, sizeof(RawStat) ) < (int)sizeof(RawStat) ) throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Filesystem corruption detected."); if( rs.iNode != iNode ) throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Filesystem corruption detected."); } void Bu::MyriadFs::readInode( int32_t iNode, RawStat &rs ) { MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::Read ); readInode( iNode, rs, ms ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::writeInode( const RawStat &rs, MyriadStream &rOs ) { rOs.setSize( hNodeIndex.getSize()*sizeof(RawStat) ); rOs.setPos( hNodeIndex.get( rs.iNode )*sizeof(RawStat) ); if( rOs.write( &rs, sizeof(RawStat) ) < (int)sizeof(RawStat) ) throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Error writing inode to header stream."); } void Bu::MyriadFs::writeInode( const RawStat &rs ) { MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::Write ); writeInode( rs, ms ); } Bu::MyriadFs::Dir Bu::MyriadFs::readDir( int32_t iNode ) { Bu::MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iNode ); int32_t iNumChildren = 0; ms.read( &iNumChildren, 4 ); Bu::MyriadStream is = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::Read ); Dir lDir; // sio << "Reading dir " << iNode << ", " << iNumChildren << " entries:" << sio.nl; for( int32_t j = 0; j < iNumChildren; j++ ) { int32_t iChildNode = 0; if( ms.read( &iChildNode, 4 ) < 4 ) { throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "Failed to read iChildNode from directory."); } Stat s; stat( iChildNode, s, is ); uint8_t uLen; if( ms.read( &uLen, 1 ) < 1 ) { throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "Failed to read uLen from directory."); } s.sName.setSize( uLen ); if( ms.read( s.sName.getStr(), uLen ) < uLen ) { throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "Failed to read sName from directory."); } lDir.append( s ); // sio << " " << s.sName << sio.nl; } return lDir; } Bu::MyriadStream Bu::MyriadFs::openByInode( int32_t iNode ) { RawStat rs; readInode( iNode, rs ); switch( (rs.uPerms&typeMask) ) { case typeDir: case typeSymLink: case typeRegFile: return mStore.open( rs.uStreamIndex, Bu::Myriad::ReadWrite ); default: throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "inode incorrect type for low-level openByInode."); } } void Bu::MyriadFs::addToDir( int32_t iDir, int32_t iNode, const Bu::String &sName ) { if( sName.getSize() > 255 ) { throw Bu::MyriadFsException("Filename too long, max is 255 bytes."); } Bu::MyriadStream ms = openByInode( iDir ); int32_t iNumChildren = 0; ms.read( &iNumChildren, 4 ); iNumChildren++; ms.setPos( 0 ); ms.write( &iNumChildren, 4 ); ms.setPosEnd( 0 ); ms.write( &iNode, 4 ); uint8_t uLen = sName.getSize(); ms.write( &uLen, 1 ); ms.write( sName.getStr(), uLen ); } int32_t Bu::MyriadFs::create( int32_t iParent, const Bu::String &sName, uint16_t uPerms, uint32_t uSpecial ) { int32_t iNode = allocInode( uPerms, uSpecial ); addToDir( iParent, iNode, sName ); return iNode; } int32_t Bu::MyriadFs::allocInode( uint16_t uPerms, uint32_t uSpecial ) { int32_t iNode = 0; for(; iNode < 0xfffffff; iNode++ ) { if( !hNodeIndex.has( iNode ) ) { hNodeIndex.insert( iNode, hNodeIndex.getSize() ); RawStat rs; rs.iNode = iNode; rs.iUser = iUser; rs.iGroup = iGroup; rs.uPerms = uPerms; rs.iLinks = 1; switch( (uPerms&typeMask) ) { case typeRegFile: case typeSymLink: { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.create( Bu::Myriad::Read ); rs.uStreamIndex = ms.getId(); } break; case typeDir: { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.create( Bu::Myriad::Read ); rs.uStreamIndex = ms.getId(); } // sio << "Creating directory node, storage: " // << rs.uStreamIndex << sio.nl; { Bu::MyriadStream msDir = mStore.open( rs.uStreamIndex, Bu::Myriad::Write ); uint32_t uSize = 0; msDir.write( &uSize, 4 ); } break; case typeChrDev: case typeBlkDev: rs.uStreamIndex = uSpecial; break; default: rs.uStreamIndex = 0; break; } rs.iATime = time(NULL); rs.iMTime = time(NULL); rs.iCTime = time(NULL); writeInode( rs ); return iNode; } } throw Bu::MyriadFsException( "No inode could be allocated. You've run out!"); } void Bu::MyriadFs::stat( int32_t iNode, Stat &rBuf, MyriadStream &rIs ) { RawStat rs; readInode( iNode, rs, rIs ); rBuf.iNode = iNode; rBuf.iUser = rs.iUser; rBuf.iGroup = rs.iGroup; rBuf.uPerms = rs.uPerms; rBuf.iLinks = rs.iLinks; rBuf.iATime = rs.iATime; rBuf.iMTime = rs.iMTime; rBuf.iCTime = rs.iCTime; rBuf.uDev = 0; rBuf.iSize = 0; switch( (rBuf.uPerms&typeMask) ) { case typeRegFile: case typeSymLink: rBuf.iSize = mStore.getSize( rs.uStreamIndex ); break; case typeChrDev: case typeBlkDev: rBuf.uDev = rs.uStreamIndex; break; default: rBuf.iSize = 0; break; } } void Bu::MyriadFs::writeHeader() { Bu::MyriadStream ms = mStore.open( 1, Bu::Myriad::Write ); ms.write( Myriad_Fs_MAGIC_CODE, 4 ); int8_t iVer = 1; int32_t iNumNodes = hNodeIndex.getSize(); ms.write( &iVer, 1 ); ms.write( &iNumNodes, 4 ); // iNumNodes for( NodeIndex::iterator i = hNodeIndex.begin(); i; i++ ) { int32_t iNode = i.getKey(); int32_t iPosition = i.getValue(); ms.write( &iNode, 4 ); ms.write( &iPosition, 4 ); } // Truncate the stream afterwards so we don't use up too much space. ms.setSize( ms.tell() ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::setTimes( int32_t iNode, int64_t iATime, int64_t iMTime ) { RawStat rs; Bu::MyriadStream is = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::ReadWrite ); readInode( iNode, rs, is ); rs.iATime = iATime; rs.iMTime = iMTime; writeInode( rs, is ); } void Bu::MyriadFs::destroyNode( int32_t iNode ) { if( iNode == 0 ) throw Bu::MyriadFsException("You cannot destroy the root."); uint32_t iPosition; RawStat rsOld; Bu::MyriadStream is = mStore.open( 2, Bu::Myriad::ReadWrite ); // This will be overwritten with the last node iPosition = hNodeIndex.get( iNode ); readInode( iNode, rsOld, is ); switch( (rsOld.uPerms&typeMask) ) { case typeRegFile: case typeDir: case typeSymLink: mStore.erase( rsOld.uStreamIndex ); break; } hNodeIndex.erase( iNode ); // Read the last node, can't use the helpers, because we don't know the // iNode yet. if( iPosition != hNodeIndex.getSize() ) { // If this is the last node, then we don't need to do anything, but // this case handles what to do if we aren't on the last node RawStat rs; is.setPos( (hNodeIndex.getSize())*sizeof(RawStat) ); is.read( &rs, sizeof(RawStat) ); hNodeIndex.get( rs.iNode ) = iPosition; writeInode( rs, is ); } is.setSize( hNodeIndex.getSize() * sizeof(RawStat) ); } Bu::String Bu::MyriadFs::filePart( const Bu::String &sPath ) { Bu::String::const_iterator iStart = sPath.begin(); if( *iStart == '/' ) iStart++; for( Bu::String::const_iterator iEnd = iStart.find('/'); iEnd; iStart = iEnd+1, iEnd = iStart.find('/') ) { } return Bu::String( iStart, sPath.end() ); }