/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/uuid.h" #include "bu/file.h" #include "bu/formatter.h" #include "bu/membuf.h" #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif Bu::Uuid::Uuid() { clear(); } Bu::Uuid::Uuid( const Uuid &src ) { memcpy( data, src.data, 16 ); } Bu::Uuid::Uuid( const Bu::String &sSrc ) { if( sSrc.getSize() == 16 ) { memcpy( data, sSrc.getStr(), 16 ); } else if( sSrc.getSize() == 36 ) { // Parse it set( sSrc ); } } Bu::Uuid::~Uuid() { } Bu::String Bu::Uuid::toRawString() const { return Bu::String( (char *)data, 16 ); } Bu::String Bu::Uuid::toString() const { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); for( int j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { if( j == 4 || j == 6 || j == 8 || j == 10 ) f << '-'; f << Bu::Fmt::hex(2).caps(false) << (unsigned int)data[j]; } return mb.getString(); } Bu::String Bu::Uuid::toUrn() const { return "urn:uuid:" + toString(); } int Bu::Uuid::getVersion() { return (data[6]&((8|4|2|1)<<4))>>4; } #define msb( i ) (1<<(7-i)) void Bu::Uuid::clear() { data[7] = msb(0); } Bu::Uuid Bu::Uuid::gen() { #if defined(linux) Bu::File fIn( "/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid", Bu::File::Read ); char dat[36]; fIn.read( dat, 36 ); Uuid id; id.set( dat ); return id; #elif defined(WIN32) UUID uuid; UuidCreate( &uuid ); Uuid id; id.data[0] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data1)[3]; id.data[1] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data1)[2]; id.data[2] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data1)[1]; id.data[3] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data1)[0]; id.data[4] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data2)[1]; id.data[5] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data2)[0]; id.data[6] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data3)[1]; id.data[7] = ((unsigned char *)&uuid.Data3)[0]; memcpy( id.data+8, uuid.Data4, 8 ); return id; #else # error We should be using one of the other fallbacks, but your platform is not supported yet. Sorry. #endif } void Bu::Uuid::set( const Bu::String &sSrc ) { const char *dat = sSrc.getStr(); int iNibble = 0; memset( data, 0, 16 ); for( int j = 0; j < 36; j++ ) { if( dat[j] == '-' ) continue; unsigned char c = (dat[j]>='0'&&dat[j]<='9')?(dat[j]-'0'):(dat[j]-'a'+10); data[iNibble/2] |= (iNibble%2==0)?(c<<4):(c); iNibble++; } } bool Bu::Uuid::operator==( const Uuid &rhs ) const { return memcmp( data, rhs.data, 16 ) == 0; } template<> uint32_t Bu::__calcHashCode( const Bu::Uuid &k ) { return __calcHashCode( k.toRawString() ); } template<> bool Bu::__cmpHashKeys( const Bu::Uuid &a, const Bu::Uuid &b ) { return a == b; }