/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/variant.h" #include "bu/membuf.h" namespace Bu { Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, const String &s ); }; Bu::VariantTypeRoot::VariantTypeRoot() { } Bu::VariantTypeRoot::~VariantTypeRoot() { } Bu::Variant::Variant() : pCore( NULL ) { } Bu::Variant::Variant( const Variant &v ) : pCore( NULL ) { if( v.pCore ) { pCore = v.pCore->clone(); } } Bu::Variant::Variant( const char *t ) : pCore( NULL ) { set( Bu::String( t ) ); } Bu::Variant::~Variant() { if( pCore ) { delete pCore; pCore = NULL; } } Bu::String Bu::Variant::toString() const { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << *this; return mb.getString(); } bool Bu::Variant::isSet() const { return pCore != NULL; } const std::type_info &Bu::Variant::getType() const { if( !pCore ) { throw Bu::ExceptionBase("No data!"); } return pCore->getType(); } Bu::Variant &Bu::Variant::operator=( const Bu::Variant &rhs ) { if( pCore ) { delete pCore; pCore = NULL; } if( rhs.pCore ) { pCore = rhs.pCore->clone(); } return *this; } Bu::Formatter &Bu::operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Bu::Variant &v ) { if( !v.pCore ) return f << "(null)"; v.pCore->format( f ); return f; }