# # Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the libgats library and is released under the # terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. # """Provides pickle-compatible functions for working with Gats packets. Converts to and from normal python structures like dictionaries, lists, tuples, booleans, strings, etc. This also provides a couple of helpers to make working with sockets a bit easier, recv and send work with sockets in blocking mode.""" import struct from cStringIO import StringIO as _StringIO import math _scalarMagic = float.fromhex('0x1.62e42fefa39efp+2') def recv( s ): '''A helper that reads a single packet from the provided socket (s). The socket should be in blocking mode for this to work correctly. This function doesn't handle any exceptions, so if the socket closes while reading handling the exception is up to you.''' while True: version = s.recv(1) if len(version) == 0: return None version = ord(version[0]) if version != 0: break if version == 1: sBuf = _StringIO() iSize = 5 buf = '' while len(buf) < 4: buf += s.recv(4-len(buf)) iGoalSize = struct.unpack('>I', buf )[0] while iSize < iGoalSize: buf = s.recv( min(iGoalSize-iSize, 4096) ) sBuf.write( buf ) iSize += len(buf) sBuf.seek( 0 ) return _readObj( sBuf ) def send( obj, s ): '''A helper that sends the entire object (obj), in a Gats encoded packet to the provided socket (s). This buffers the data first, so it should use as few network packets as possible to send the data.''' s.send( dumps( obj ) ) def loads( sIn ): '''Loads a complete Gats packet as described by the string sIn and returns the contained object. The string can only contain one packet. Any data after the first packet will simply be ignored.''' return load( _StringIO( sIn ) ) def dumps( obj ): '''Returns the provided object (obj) as a complete Gats packet in a string, since Gats encoded objects are not in plain text, it'll probably be useless to print these strings out.''' sTmp = _StringIO() dump( obj, sTmp ) return sTmp.getvalue() def load( sIn ): '''Reads a single Gats packet (one object) from the provided file-like object and returns it. If it can't read anything it returns None.''' # Scan for a valid packet header while True: version = sIn.read(1) if len(version) == 0: return None version = ord(version[0]) if version != 0: break if version == 1: size = struct.unpack('>I', sIn.read(4) )[0] return _readObj( sIn ) def dump( obj, sOut ): '''Writes the given object (obj) to the file-like object sOut as a complete Gats packet.''' sTmp = _StringIO() _writeObj( obj, sTmp ) sCore = sTmp.getvalue() sOut.write( struct.pack('>BI', 1, len(sCore)+5 ) ) sOut.write( sCore ) class EndMarker: pass def _readObj( sIn ): t = sIn.read( 1 ) if t == 'i': # Integer return _readPackedInt( sIn ) elif t == 's': # String lng = _readPackedInt( sIn ) return sIn.read( lng ) elif t == '0': # Boolean false return False elif t == '1': # Boolean true return True elif t == 'l': # List ret = [] while True: value = _readObj( sIn ) if isinstance( value, EndMarker ): return ret ret.append( value ) elif t == 'd': # Dictionary ret = {} while True: key = _readObj( sIn ) if isinstance( key, EndMarker ): return ret if not isinstance( key, str ): raise Exception('Only strings can be used as keys in gats dictionaries') value = _readObj( sIn ); ret[key] = value elif t == 'f': # Float pLng = _readPackedInt( sIn ) bNeg = False if pLng < 0: bNeg = True pLng = -pLng dValue = 0.0 dat = sIn.read( pLng ) for i in xrange(len(dat)-1,0,-1): dValue = (dValue+ord(dat[i]))*(1.0/256.0) dValue += ord(dat[0]) iScale = _readPackedInt( sIn ) dValue *= pow( 256.0, iScale ) if bNeg: return -dValue return dValue elif t == 'F': # Exceptional float st = sIn.read(1) if st == 'N': return float('-nan') elif st == 'n': return float('nan') elif st == 'I': return float('-inf') elif st == 'i': return float('inf') elif st == 'Z': return -0.0 elif st == 'z': return 0.0 else: raise Exception('Invalid exceptional float subtype found.') elif t == 'n': return None elif t == 'e': # End marker return EndMarker() else: raise Exception('Invalid gats type discovered: ' + t) return 'not implemented yet'; def _writeObj( obj, sOut ): if obj is None: sOut.write('n') elif isinstance( obj, bool ): if obj == True: sOut.write('1') else: sOut.write('0') elif isinstance( obj, int ): sOut.write('i') _writePackedInt( obj, sOut ) elif isinstance( obj, str ): sOut.write('s') _writePackedInt( len(obj), sOut ) sOut.write( obj ) elif isinstance( obj, list ) or isinstance( obj, tuple ): sOut.write('l') for s in obj: _writeObj( s, sOut ) sOut.write('e') elif isinstance( obj, dict ): sOut.write('d') for key in obj.iterkeys(): _writeObj( key, sOut ) _writeObj( obj[key], sOut ) sOut.write('e') elif isinstance( obj, float ): if math.isnan( obj ): if math.copysign( 1.0, obj ) < 0.0: sOut.write('FN') else: sOut.write('Fn') elif math.isinf( obj ): if math.copysign( 1.0, obj ) < 0.0: sOut.write('FI') else: sOut.write('Fi') elif obj == 0.0: if math.copysign( 1.0, obj ) < 0.0: sOut.write('FZ') else: sOut.write('Fz') else: sOut.write('f') d = obj bNeg = False if d < 0.0: bNeg = True d = -d iScale = int(math.log( d ) / _scalarMagic) if iScale < 0: iScale -= 1 sTmp = _StringIO() d /= pow( 256.0, iScale ) sTmp.write( chr( int(d) ) ) d -= int(d) for j in xrange( 0, 150 ): d = d*256.0 sTmp.write( chr(int(d)) ) d -= int(d) if d == 0.0: break sTmp = sTmp.getvalue() if bNeg: _writePackedInt( -len(sTmp), sOut ) else: _writePackedInt( len(sTmp), sOut ) sOut.write( sTmp ) _writePackedInt( iScale, sOut ) else: raise Exception('A type that is not gats-encodable was encountered: ' + str(type(obj))) def _readPackedInt( sIn ): '''Internal helper function that reads an integer in packed format from the provided file-like object and returns it.''' bNeg = False b = ord(sIn.read(1)[0]) bNeg = (b&0x40) == 0x40; rOut = b&0x3F; c = 0 while (b&0x80) == 0x80: b = ord(sIn.read(1)[0]) rOut |= (b&0x7F)<<(6+7*c) c += 1 if bNeg: return -rOut return rOut def _writePackedInt( iIn, sOut ): '''Internal helper function that writes an integer in packed format to the provided file-like object.''' if iIn < 0: iIn = -iIn b = iIn&0x3F if iIn > b: b |= 0x80 | 0x40 else: b |= 0x40 else: b = iIn&0x3F if iIn > b: b |= 0x80 sOut.write( chr( b ) ) iIn = iIn >> 6 while iIn > 0: b = iIn&0x7F if iIn > b: b |= 0x80 sOut.write( chr( b ) ) iIn = iIn >> 7