BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainGoto was confused.Mike Buland9 years
0.05stage-0.05.tar.gz  stage-0.05.tar.bz2  stage-0.05.tar.xz  Mike Buland12 years
0.04stage-0.04.tar.gz  stage-0.04.tar.bz2  stage-0.04.tar.xz  Mike Buland12 years
0.03stage-0.03.tar.gz  stage-0.03.tar.bz2  stage-0.03.tar.xz  Mike Buland12 years
0.02stage-0.02.tar.gz  stage-0.02.tar.bz2  stage-0.02.tar.xz  Mike Buland12 years
0.01stage-0.01.tar.gz  stage-0.01.tar.bz2  stage-0.01.tar.xz  Mike Buland12 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2012-01-16Lists (arrays) are now properly inedxable.0.02Mike Buland
2012-01-12Added the windows deps to the package target.Mike Buland
2012-01-09Actually works with windows now.Mike Buland
2012-01-09Ignore windows temp files.Mike Buland
2012-01-09Interface plugins are almost done.Mike Buland
2012-01-06Fixed sub-tag wrapping bug.Mike Buland
2012-01-06smlToConsole is now non-recursive.Mike Buland
2012-01-06Two experimental SML converters.Mike Buland
2012-01-05Interface plugin basics. SML system parser.Mike Buland
2012-01-04Demo is being reworked. Fixed comment handling.Mike Buland